Monday, February 28, 2011

Running & Training

It's been a while since my last post, and its because I've been having trouble pulling myself out of this "senioritis" slump. I don't seem to care about anything, I have no goals, and even little "bumps in the road" seem to get me super down.

So today, while totally wasting time (instead of being productive), I came across my friend Tiara's recently-started blog. She has been logging what days/ when she runs, how many miles and her mile-split times. This seemed like an awesome way to keep yourself accountable and keep track of progress. I know personally, my mile times/ distances can vary hugely with how I am feeling that day, so this method might actually help me regulate it.

So here are my goals/ schedule for this week:

: Hatha Yoga- Rec center- 6:45 AM. (this did not happen due to being in the deepest sleep ever, but I plan on trying again on Wednesday)

Tuesday: Yoga @ 7:30 am. Running at 8pm. (3 miles at an 8:45 pace)

Wednesday: Hatha Yoga... take 2!- 6:45 am.

Thursday: Yoga- 7:30am. Running at 3:45pm. (30 min @ 8:45 pace)

Friday: Yoga (60 min) & biking (60 min)

Saturday- Break

Sunday- Long run

I'll keep you posted about my progress... but really just to keep me accountable!

Friday, February 11, 2011

Senior Slide

The senior slide. According to urban dictionary, this slang's definition is as follows: "That magical part of your senior year when things get a little easier and nothing you do matters."

Now for me, I never thought I would succumb to this phenomena. Slacking just isn't in my nature; I'm an over-achiever to the core. So why, then, do I find myself struggling to do any of the "required" readings... or waiting until 11pm to start a paper that is due the next day?

Senioritis... and freshman level classes. My classes are all 1000 level (aka Beginner level) liberal ed. requirements. Although I do enjoy the challenge of thinking outside of the "Carlson" formula for success, these classes just simply do not have the rigor of the Carlson classes that have consumed my life for the last 4 semesters.

What do you mean not every week has a 100pt exam, 3 presentations, 300 pages of reading and two 5-page papers due? There is only 50 pages of reading, a quiz worth 5 points and flamenco dancing to practice... Who wouldn't take it easy?

The only problem with this is: I feel guilty! Why am I not insanely busy, barely keeping my head above water? Why am I not trying hard in my classes? Why do I end up watching 3 tv shows every-other night? Answer: Because I can. Is this what college is like for other students not in the business school?

How do I cure this sense of guilt? I put my energies into other things. Recently I have started running again with the goal if participating in some up-coming races and a triathlon. I have also decided to try my hand at rock-climbing and bouldering. Next up: Yoga. Who knows what hobby next month may bring...

Friday, February 4, 2011

The Art of Making Time

I believe this motto whole-heartedly. It was one of my goals for 2011, and I have been diligently trying to uphold this mission... the only issue is time. And for that matter, the lack of it. It is not that there is a lack of enough time in the day, but rather the proper allocation of time. Let me explain.

If something is important enough to you, you will make time; no matter what. No exceptions.

Instead of checking my email 30 times daily, or checking facebook 50 times daily, or watching a crappy TV show, I could be allocating my spare time (hours really) to maintaining and nurturing my friendships! And on Wednesday, I did just that.

Wednesday was a busy day from 10am-10pm... not stop running around, and one of the best days I've had in a while. You may be wondering: How can you be so happy when you had no time to relax, no time for yourself? And my answer is simple. I am happiest when I am giving back, helping others, making time for friends, or just being productive in general. The perfect example is Wednesday...

Wednesday started with working from 10am-12pm. Promptly at noon, I ran across the river to meet up with Molly for lunch (we both have the same break from 12-1:15). Molly and I have been roommates for 4 years, but that doesn't mean that we can just ignore our friendship and expect it to take care of itself! Friendships take time, commitment and energy, constant up-keep (no-matter how long you have been friends).

After lunch I had to run back across the river to my Music class. I slid into my seat just as the TA was handing out the quizzes. Class whizzed by, and before I knew it, I was following suit and zooming to my next class (marketing channels). As class drew to a close, I sprinted across the river (again) to Ben & Jerry's to meet Monika for our planned ice cream date. Monika is a girl (recent-grad) who had been in DSP with me. We had almost every class together last semester, and she has been a very loyal friend when I needed her most.

Example 1: last semester when my car was towed, she was the only one to offer to drive me to the impound lot.

Example 2: When I got in a horrible, screaming fight with Molly, she was the only one to answer my phone calls and take me in for the night.

So, needless to say, she is a great friend, one that I don't want to lose just because we've graduated!

At 6:15, I promptly left Monika (with the promises of meeting up for a grown-up date this weekend... one involving drinks instead of ice cream) and ran (back across the river) to my Flamenco dance class. Attendance is mandatory, and necessary if you want to keep up!

After class (7:45pm) I ran to the bus stop, and was home by 8pm. I grabbed Grandma's car keys, and went to pick-up Jordan. We have been friends since she lived next-door to us in the dorms, and also a great friend. She is always there, gives great advice, is non-judgmental, and is always down to try something new. I drove her to Roseville to pick up her recovered hard-drive from Best Buy because she doesn't have a car.

Despite all of the running (literal and the metaphorical representation of being busy), Wednesday was a great day. I was able to spend time with 3 GREAT friends, nurture our friendships, and help a friend in need. Days like this are what keep me going. I love my friends, and I love the art of making time. If it's important, you'll find a way.