Wednesday, May 11, 2011

Don't Count the Days, Make the Days Count

"Don't Count the Days, Make the Days Count"

I came across this quote today and was surprised at how obvious the advice was, but also how difficult it is to live up to. How many times have you said, "Only # more days until _________" or "I can't wait until _______"?

Every day is a gift, so why not treat it that way? It's so easy to get sucked into routine, the monotony and repetition of chores and work. We complain and "vent" to our friends and family instead of praising the gift that we have been given: a new day, a new chance, another mulligan. Do not become blind by seeing each day as a similar one; Each day is different and each day brings a miracle of its own, It's just a matter of paying attention to that miracle. What miracles will you find today?

Today I was given the chance to learn patience, share a moment with an old man lonely for conversation, and help students print, copy and research for final papers and exams... and all this before noon!

What will you do with your gift?

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